
What You Need to Know Before Pursuing a Career in Digital Marketing

Do you want to pursue a career in digital marketing? Do you want to work in a challenging atmosphere that demands a diverse skill set? Congrats you’ve landed on the right article!

There’s no getting around the fact that businesses, these days, are embracing digital marketing and the need for experts have never been greater. It is an exciting, challenging and fast-paced industry where you can carve a niche for yourself. If you’re thinking about kickstarting your career in digital marketing, now is the time to do it. Guess what! It is not necessary to have a traditional marketing degree for gaining a foot in this industry.

Here are 6 things you must know before pursuing a digital marketing career

Create an online presence    

In this digital-first life, it is imperative to have an online presence for everything. Moreover, when it comes to landing a job, especially in digital marketing, creating an online profile is a MUST. LinkedIn is a great social networking platform to have your profile at. You can connect with the experts, learn from their insights and can build your following.

Another good way to be found is to register with job portals. Indeed.com, Glassdoor.com, simplyhired.com are some of the job portals that can help you land your dream job.

Always remember, a prospect employer is going to look online first to learn about you. If they are not able to find you, they’ll move on to the next candidate. Also, ensure to have a well presentable online profile as it will showcase YOU in front of the employer.

Stay Updated

If you’re keen on becoming a digital marketer, it is essential to stay updated with the latest trends in the industry. Google, Facebook, and Twitter regularly tweak their algorithms, and if you miss keeping a tap on their ever-changing dynamics, you’ll be in a soup.

Some recommended websites are:

  •    Content: Hubspot, Content Marketing Institute
  •    SEO: Moz, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal
  •    Social Media – Social Media Examiner, Hootsuite

You can also take up online courses which teach you the necessary ‘know-how’ of digital marketing. If you’re trying to get your first big break in the industry, free courses are a great way of learning. They also help you boost your resume and showcase your potential & commitment when you’re at the early stage of your career. Udemy and Hubspot Academy have some excellent online courses that you can try out.

Grab an Internship

Before taking a plunge into the marketing world, get a real-time experience by starting with an internship. It helps you to learn not just about the industry and the work involved but also gives you glimpses of what it is to be like being a part of the digital team. To secure an internship, you can approach

  •    Startups
  •    Marketing agencies

Startups work in an agile environment enabling you to explore a variety of work and help you get the right experience before entering the “real” digital world.

On the other hand, by joining a marketing agency, you can experience lots of different industries and business models. You also get to work among people who can train you and share their valuable knowledge.

That said, no matter where you end up, there’s much hard work you need to put in to climb up the success ladder.

Networking is crucial

Networking is one of the key points in the digital marketing industry. Surround yourself with people who are pro in their work and bond well with them. These people will help you create your personal brand as well as will recommend you to their connections.

Attend city level or country level industry conferences and meetups to nurture relationships with other digital marketers and gain expertise through in-depth workshops and presentations.

Understanding the dynamics of social media.

Social media isn’t just about finding the right filter for your selfies; it is more than that. You need to understand consumer behavior and how brands leverage it to generate sales and build long-lasting relationships.

Also, understanding the basics of social media marketing and Google analytics will help you get started. You’re going to measure performance and report on the basis of statistics and figures so make sure you know what this means and where to extract the information from.

Gear up yourself to be on the same page with the ever-changing dynamics of the social media and you’ll be on your way to success.

Never turn your back to learning

There’s only one thing that will help you sustain this industry, and that is “LEARNING.” That is how you’ll grow, progress and get promoted. The wider your skill set is, the more knowledge you’ll gain. The more knowledge you have, the more money you will make.

Everything takes time, commitment and some serious hard work. If you want to see a six-digit figure in your bank balance, you need to be consistent in your efforts. Keep reading about SEO, PPC, social media, content marketing and other aspects of digital marketing from authoritative sources. Subscribe to their blog feeds to never miss any important information.

Make your way to becoming the next digital marketing expert

No one is going to start from the top in any career. To reach there, you need to take the first step on the ladder. With dedication and hard work, you’ll achieve your desired goals. Keep the above-stated points in mind to shape your career in the digital marketing industry.

Don’t forget to come back when you’ve earned a name for yourself!

Author Bio

This is Sharon Winget, Staff Writer with GoodFirms, a review and rating platform of top IT companies & software. The company also publishes in-depth research reports; the latest research report released was on PPC Campaign Management.

About the author

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