
Tips from the Top!

careers top tips
Written by leo.woodhead

There’s no doubt that becoming a success can be a struggle. As we strive for bigger and better things, it can be useful to hear nuggets of wisdom from those that have made it to the top!

With that in mind, I’ve put together a collection of quotes from those that have made success their middle name!

Success Starts with Hard Work! 128px-6_6_06VidalSassoon

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Vidal Sassoon 

From humble beginnings, Vidal Sassoon has become a house hold name. Sassoon learnt at an early age that there was no ‘free ride’ and that the road to success was one paved with the perspiration of hard work. With that foundation of hard graft, he sculpted a very successful hairstyling and products empire. Described as “a rock star, an artist, and a craftsman who ‘changed the world with a pair of scissors”, Vidal Sassoon has certainly made his mark!

Be Ready for What Might Be the Next Big Thing!

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” Sir Richard Branson

Founder and chairman of the Virgin Group, which incorporates over 400 companies, Richard Branson is a man with his fingers in many pies. In the fast-paced world of business, opportunities can be plentiful and according to Branson, you’ve got to be ready to move with an idea before someone else does. Being ready to take action and having the right attitude to make things happen is crucial not only in business but in all walks of life. Are you ready?

Innovate to Be a Leader

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs

Co-founder of both Apple Inc. and Pixar animation studios, Steve Jobs was no stranger to success. His advice about innovation is crucial if you want to become the shepherd rather than part of the flock of sheep. This doesn’t mean you have to re-invent the wheel, but, being open to new ideas and exploring new ways of doing things, helps you to stay ahead of the curve!

128px-BillGates2012To Be a Great Leader, Empower Those Around You

“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” Bill Gates

Business magnate, philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates has spent a lot of time at the top of his game, consistently ranking as one of the wealthiest people in the world. So what’s his secret? According to him, it’s not all down to his talents. It’s equally down to the people around him. In work, it’s very difficult to do it all on your own. Having a good team is crucial and if you can empower them, you stand a much stronger chance of success. Are you ready to empower those around you to be the best they can be?

Whether at the beginning of your career, struggling to make it, or at the top of your game, these words of wisdom still ring true!

Are there any top tips or quotes that you’d like to share? If so, please get involved in the discussion below! 

About the author


Leo is a Sociology graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University. A career coach, with 7 years’ experience in advice and guidance, he has now turned his hand to writing and social media development. He balances his time between career coaching, writing and his passion for rock climbing. Connect with Leo on twitter @thecareersblog