
Life is Tweet: Graduate Jobs at Your Fingertips

Written by Faizan Patankar

Many see Twitter as a place for a bit of casual celebrity stalking, micro-blogging their day-to-day lives and occasionally begging for a retweet from their childhood hero, but many underestimate its potential for networking opportunities.

You may not be a tweetaholic just yet but everyone likes a new follower and it doesn’t take a minute to search for some potential graduate recruiters or companies advertising graduate jobs. There’s no telling who is occasionally scanning down these lists on the lookout for some fresh talent.

Searching Twitter for #graduate #jobs

The live feeds allow all of these up-to-date opportunities straight to your phone, usually along with useful tips and tricks to help your application and interview processes. It’s also a common misconception that graduate jobs are seasonal but opportunities are actually posted all year round, so it can only be beneficial to be the first to know. Through Twitter, you can also gain an insight into a company’s current projects or achievements, and even information that isn’t officially posted on their websites that could set you apart in an interview.

[SEE ALSO: Guide To Getting Started on Twitter As A Graduate]

In terms of your own talents, any exposure to these markets is (usually) always a good thing. Twitter can be a great way to show-cast your writing skills, especially if you are heading down a creative career path. Getting to grips with its many functions won’t take long and can highlight you under dominant keyword searches which will gradually spread your online presence across the web.

Watch Your Space on Twitter As A Graduate

However, you don’t want to create a bad impression before you’ve even begun so if you haven’t yet signed up or don’t use it much then, make sure you keep your account fresh and interesting but also be aware that public settings reveal all of your content to the world.

You wouldn’t walk into an interview and tell your potential employer about a drunken rant last week or display antagonising messages to some downtrodden celebrity on your CV. Make sure you keep it as professional as possible and save your personal life for the privatised settings of Facebook.

Twitter for Jobs

So, don’t write off  Twitter as just the latest social media fad – even if it is, you may as well take advantage of the opportunities it offers to you free of charge and directly into your lap.


Guestpost by the Graduate Recruitment Bureau

About the author

Faizan Patankar

I started Career Geek Blog in 2011 to share my experience in job-hunting. I now focus on careers industry and blogging is just a tool to share that info. Love hacking careers. During the day I focus on my hobby - Engineering.