
How Much Do Graduates Earn In The UK

Written by Faizan Patankar

University graduates in their final year will be looking forward to either a job, travel or diving straight into their research fields. This graduation journey is probably laden with debt. So, exactly how much do graduates earn in the UK? have put together this infographic on how much graduates earn in the UK.

According to the statistics in the infographic, a graduate earns approximately £23,200 on average across the 12 fields.

Whilst those who do not attend a university, i.e. non-graduates earn an average of £14,600 (approximately) across 10 fields as Dentistry and Medicine do not have a non-graduate salary attached to it.

These are very interesting numbers on how much graduates earn in the UK. Let us know what you think about them in the Comments below.

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About the author

Faizan Patankar

I started Career Geek Blog in 2011 to share my experience in job-hunting. I now focus on careers industry and blogging is just a tool to share that info. Love hacking careers. During the day I focus on my hobby - Engineering.