
Hot new jobs for career changers

dream job

In today’s world, industries rise and fall with new technology. Many jobs that were crucial 20 years ago don’t exist today, along with film and floppy disks. Technology isn’t just killing jobs, though — it’s also creating them. Many industries have formed around the internet and the smart gadgets that improve your daily life. Whether you’re looking for a new career or you want to take your profession into the modern world, check out these three rapidly growing jobs.

Digital Marketing and SEO

The world of journalism and public relations has changed significantly over the past few decades. Today’s writers are expected to understand search engine optimization (SEO) and to know how to publish articles on WordPress and other online platforms. Furthermore, there’s a whole marketing and social media element to public relations that makes the job much more connected than before.

That’s why many people in the writing world are turning into digital marketers. They’re able to use the same content creation principles that they used as journalists while making money and reaping the benefits of a stable job. Most of these jobs require a bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications, marketing, business, or a related field.

Software Engineering

The internet hasn’t just changed how marketers and journalists talk to customers; it has also changed the products you buy and how they’re made. More companies are looking to software to solve their problems and make their customers’ lives easier. For example, more customers want smart homes in which they can use their smartphones to control the lights, air conditioning, and appliances. On the business-to-business (B2B) side, companies look for software to track performance and schedule employees.

All of this means there is a huge market for software engineers. Companies need employees who can approach a problem creatively and build the right systems to solve it. Most companies require a bachelor’s degree in computer science or programming, but some require a master’s degree or special training to enter the field.

Occupational Therapist and Elder Care

Technology isn’t just affecting Silicon Valley jobs and the digital world. It’s also affecting how human beings function. In the past 40 years, the average lifespan for Americans has increased by nine years for men and six years for women. Although this is partly owing to a decrease in smoking rates and general improvements in diet, it’s also the result of advances in health care science and technology. Procedures that were dangerous or impossible 20 years ago are commonplace today.

As people live longer, their need for care increases, leading to a rise in demand for occupational therapists and elder care specialists. This is a great option for nurses who specialize in elder care and physical therapists who want to work outside of the hospital. Many nurses either live with their patients or work with them full-time, so they’re always available to help. For this job, you need a nursing certification; you might also need a special degree or training to work in your state.

More employers than ever are looking for the right skill set instead of focusing on experience in the field. Explore your career options today to see what’s right for you.

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Career Geek Community

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