
Finding Emails Or Contact Details Of The Recruiting Company [DOWNLOAD]

Auto-Email Creator
Written by Faizan Patankar

You see a job advertised online or get it through a friend, but you don’t have the contact details of the recruiting company in case you’ve got questions. Or you may want to send an email to the hiring manager or the engineering manager wanting to know if they are planning to hire or offer you some work experience. In both cases, you need contact details within the company you’re interested to work for but you don’t have them.

So, what do you do?

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Simple – use a combination of two services to find out the email address of a contact and try your luck. It will be much better than not trying. And best of all, it is free. It’s a simple hack (no, not breaking systems, a good hack) which will help you get the email of almost anyone in any organisation.

Auto-Email Creator by Career Geek

Ok, so I came across an article by SourceCon on email creation. And then set out to think how this could be beneficial to students and graduates.

I created a tool where you input the First Name (FName), Last Name (LName) and Company url. An image of what is requested is below.

Auto-Email Creator

This will then give you a few email options – the most common ones used globally. You can add more formats if your requested format is not in here.

A lot of the inspiration for this tool came from the SourceCon article, but there wasn’t any download or ready file they provided. So, we have made it easy for you – you can now simply download the file and it is ready for use.

email formats

You can download our Auto-Email Creater tool here: [wpdm_file id=17]

P.S.: If you decide to use the tool or want to share the images, do leave us a credit if possible and thank SourceCon, too.

Ok, but which email do I use?

Now, the tool will help you create emails easily but how do you find out which one’s the right one? Well, I have a solution for that, too. Simply verify the email.

You can use the Verify-Email.org service (free service, paid options available) to check if an email is valid or not. For example, from the emails above, only one of the email addresses is valid. And the service will tell you which one that is.

Alternatively, you can crawl the website of the company you are trying to find emails for and check, check, check everywhere if they have an email ID format for anyone in the company – Sales Director or IT Director, Chairman – just anybody would do.

Then check with our Auto-Email Creator tool to find out which format matches.

This is all simple, but you know, we’ve made it even simpler for you. Simply download the file and get on! [wpdm_file id=17]

About the author

Faizan Patankar

I started Career Geek Blog in 2011 to share my experience in job-hunting. I now focus on careers industry and blogging is just a tool to share that info. Love hacking careers. During the day I focus on my hobby - Engineering.