
Enthuse.me – Show Your Expertise In One Page

Written by Faizan Patankar

enthuse.me is a simple, elegant service that lets you showcase your expertise in the most effective way – by cutting out the noise and hand-picking the best examples of your work, knowledge or passion.

Ah, you don’t want the PR team to talk do you? So let’s get to the real deal.

enthuse.me is a one-page website for you. If you are thinking about self-employment, enthuse meare one of the creative types, or would like to showcase your experience in a bit more than 2 sides of  an A-4 sheet of paper, enthuse.me is for you. It is easy to compare it to about.me or even Zerply. I’ve had an account on both of them, but personally, I will be recommending enthuse.me from here onwards. Here are the reasons why.

enthuse.me Lets You Choose What to Showcase

I like this feature about enthuse.me – to showcase the work I want to showcase, rather than everything! Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 367,000 more people were self-employed in 2012, compared to 2008. A lot of graduates are giving a go to being self-employed as well. enthuse.me allows you to chose other sites where you may have been mentioned for your work, etc. For example, if you are Mathy from Whathejobisthis.com who has been mentioned in other articles, then it is a perfect way to showcase it! (note: I couldn’t use my example as I hardly get a mention, not even from my Editor!)

enthuse me modules choice

Clear User Interface and Good Work Flow Process

As an engineer, a part of me is always critical of the way things are presented to users. But I like enthuse.me for its simplicity and clarity. It minimises the things you need to do to the minimum and once you add urls and choose what you want to add, the parsing is almost spot-on. Or in simple words, it shows the right things in the right place! I had to look at the screen for two minutes and then I knew what had to be done. Within 5 mins I could get my profile up and running from sign-up to my minimalistic end product.

enthuse me profile example

You can view my example profile here. Yes, apart from blogging, I work somewhere else and blogging is a hobby and I exclusively only blog at Career Geek Blog now!

And talking about good UI, you can even change the way you want to show information in a streamlined manner. For example, I can move my twitter info before LinkedIn and it is the simplest way I have ever used on any one-pager website! A bit more work and this is what the top looks like now.

enthuse me career geek

I Want It – How Much Do I Pay?

Nada. Nothing. Zilch. You sign up and create your page. It will be displayed as enthuse.me/<username>. For example, for as long as it’s there, my page will be enthuse.me/fp .

I would suggest that you actually try it! If you don’t like it, you can always delete it. If you are a creative type, you should definitely have one. And you know, these guys haven’t just gone and bagged £1 million in funding from MLC 50 for nothing. They are here to stay!

Personally, I like it and I think I will be recommending this as part of having a portfolio online in one page. Having said that, every start-up today has clones popping up everywhere and the ‘one-page showcase website’ is already crowded. Taking on the likes of about.me is not an easy task, but the lesser-known Zerply are there to catch-up with as well. But you wouldn’t know how good enthuse.me is if it didn’t have a challenge to overcome!

Now, to score them:

Enthuse.me on Twitter. Enthuse.me on Facebook. enthuse.me.

About the author

Faizan Patankar

I started Career Geek Blog in 2011 to share my experience in job-hunting. I now focus on careers industry and blogging is just a tool to share that info. Love hacking careers. During the day I focus on my hobby - Engineering.