Employment Evergreen

“Why Didn’t You Get The Job?” “Google Me Baby!”

social networks for jobs, finding a job with twitter, online digital presence,
Written by Rebecca Cotzec

Let’s be honest, as students and recent graduates we’ve probably all had jobs we’ve hated. Whether it was the boss, the tasks, or just the fact you’ve had to give up your weekends. After a horrible day at work we all like to rant. It’s therapeutic, and it’s nice to have someone take your side in situations when even you know you were in the wrong.

But be warned about where you rant, just as you would be careful who you talk to.

You wouldn’t tell your boss’s best friend what you really thought of their latest rota, so make sure you don’t do it accidentally.

Leave Your Work At Work – Not Online

Posting work-related things on social media is a dangerous game. Even if you’re careful with your privacy settings and aren’t friends with/followed by your boss, there are others who could be looking to stir the pot and tell them what you’ve posted. As one of my ex-colleagues found out too late. When it’s written there on a status, it’s pretty hard for anyone to deny it.

Also, when you press ‘tweet’ or ‘post’, you’re not only slamming your current work situation; you could also be hindering your career for years to come.

ALSO SEE: Social Networking Times

Beware Of The ‘Background Checks’

A growing number of recruiters are running ‘background checks’ (or just plain stalking) of potential employees online. One quick Google and they can see what you’ve liked on Facebook, where you’ve been tagged and what you’ve tweeted.

It’s common sense – if you post things about how you hate your boss, any future employer might worry about what you’d post about them. Complain about customers? Then this customer-facing role isn’t going to go to you.

However, taking care of what you post is relatively easy – you’ve got to monitor every aspect of your online presence to be sure employers won’t be put off by what they’ve seen.

Friends For Life; Or Just Until They Cost You A Job

If you are not sure of your friends’ privacy settings, de-tag yourself from that photo of you and the stripper. It may still come up with your name under it in a Google image search.

My careers advisor once horrified me with a tale of another student. He’d prepared well for the interview, researched the company and answered every question. Until the interviewer handed him a print out of a photo of him worse for wear the night before that had cropped up on Facebook .

That’s a worst case scenario but it’s worth taking ten minutes to go over any profiles you have to make sure that you’re not the next unnamed student being paraded as a bad example to others.

Get Googling!

Don’t just think about Twitter and Facebook – think Instagram, Pinterest, and any other profile that carries your name.

Googling yourself is no longer the pastime of minor celebs; it’s a must before you start your job search.

Now this article’s coming to an end, get on to Google and see what pops up – better that you see it before your next boss does.

About the author

Rebecca Cotzec

Whilst studying for her degree Rebecca undertook various extra-circular activities, internships and volunteering placements to try and gain experience in the communications sector. After graduating with a BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing 2:1 she took a part-time job as an office assistant and was promoted to marketing assistant within months. She is now striving to learn more about marketing and push her career further.