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5 Jobs That Can Lead to Sickness or Injury

When you’re contemplating a job switch or trying to decide what to study in college, you likely spend a lot of time thinking about what you enjoy doing, as well as what you’re good at.

Those are important things to think about, but you also have to think about how your career of choice will impact your health.

Although some jobs may be extremely rewarding in some ways, they are actually more likely to make you sick or injured compared to other careers.

Here are just a few:

1. Nurses and Doctors

Nurses and doctors are more likely to get sick than other professions, which isn’t all that surprising. Of course, it does depend on what kind of nurse or doctor you decide to become.

For example, healthcare professionals who work in walk-in clinics are regularly exposed to viruses and contagious illnesses, like the flu and strep throat.

In contrast, those who work in private nursing and residential care facilities, as well as ER technicians, are more likely to suffer from conditions like back, neck, and shoulder injuries as they may deal with combative patients or lift patients from bed to bed or from the bed to the tub.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t become a nurse or a doctor!

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and stretching, you can reduce your chances of getting ill or injured. You can also choose a career in a surgical or specialist’s office, which are a lot less risky.

2. Pilots

You might think that pilots have a dangerous job because they put themselves at risk of a deadly crash day after day. However, there are more dangerous things that pilots have to face.

It turns out that pilots are more likely to develop skin cancer thanks to flying so close to the sun. Their lifestyle puts them at risk too. Pilots are more likely to soak up the rays in tropical locales between flying airplanes.

It’s also important to point out the fact that pilots often cross multiple time zones and sometimes fly at strange times, which throws off their circadian rhythm.

Without getting proper sleep regularly, the immune systems of pilots often struggle to fight off illnesses and disease.

3. Firefighters

Firefighting is a noble profession. It provides you with the opportunity to workout on the job, which is good for your health, and you get to serve the community in a rewarding way.

Unfortunately, it’s dangerous too.

Trauma and smoke inhalation aren’t even the most dangerous aspects of this career, although these are definitely issues that firefighters face regularly.

Instead, firefighters are susceptible to heart attacks thanks to psychological stress, especially if battling blazes is part of your regular routine.

4. Desk Jobs

You may have heard that sitting is bad for your health, but when it comes to illness and injury, it’s easy to think that sitting in your own cubicle all day long is the best way to protect yourself.

Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.

The health effects of sitting all day include developing:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Body aches and pains

In addition, long commutes can take a toll on your physical and mental health, as can endless meetings.

Those who work at a desk job often eat more fast food, staring at a screen all day can harm your eyes, and breathing recirculated air in an office can leave you more susceptible to contagious illnesses.

5. Any Job You Hate

Although it’s not a specific profession, it’s important to note that any job you hate can put you at risk of illness and injury.

It doesn’t matter if it’s the work itself or if it’s the people you work with, if you dread going to work every day, it won’t take long before you start experiencing physical symptoms.

You’ll likely lose out on sleep, you’ll experience more headaches, and you may even deal with an upset stomach.

Of course, your mental health is likely to decline as well. The longer you attempt to put up with a job you hate, the more likely you are to experience an accident on the clock, or you’ll find that you get colds and other illnesses more often because your immune system can fight off the germs anymore.

When searching for a job, consider what kind of job you think you would be good at. Just make sure you also consider your health when making your choice!

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